Hey there!

I'm a Toronto-based illustrator and textile designer!

I graduated from the Bachelor of Illustration program at Sheridan College in 2016 with honours. The same year, one of my thesis pieces was chosen to be in the Society of Illustrator’s Student Award Show in New York City and I was hired at Hatley Little Blue House Inc full-time. Since then, I have displayed my artwork in galleries throughout Toronto, tabled at a variety of arts and craft shows, taken on a plethora of freelance projects in varying industries, taught classes on Photoshop, taught children’s art workshops, and lots more.



Hatley Heritage

Little Blue House

Books To Bed

Fancy Pants Boutique

Poppy and Peonies

The Proactive Athlete

Ad Astra Comix




After Effects


Vector graphics

Product development/sourcing

Style flexibility

Surface and textile design

Typography and handlettering

Trend research and forecasting


Motion Design